BOOKING OPENING Reservations for a stay at Maranello Resort will be available starting from May 19, 2025.

Maranello & Ferrari:
a bond that has lasted more than half a century

Maranello is the iconic city for all "Rossa" fans.

Enzo Ferrari first began an alternative automobile business under contract with Alfa Romeo,
followed by the creation of the new Auto Avio Costruzioni brand in the traditional Scuderia Ferrari headquarters on Via Trento e Trieste in Modena.
In 1943 the war forced Ferrari to move the factory outside Modena.

The choice fell on Maranello where Enzo Ferrari already owned a farmhouse and a few plots of land.

Decentralization, albeit imposed by the laws of war,
was an operation that Ferrari himself viewed favorably since it was part of his overall plan, which was to become a race car manufacturer.

The area where he had purchased the land and, where he would establish theScuderia Ferrari headquartersin Modena in 1923, was suburban with some stabling for draft horses, but by the early 1940s it was becoming almost central.

It was beginning to become apparent that any expansions, beyond those already made by purchasing small neighboring lots, would be very difficult. The problem, if anything, was deciding how far to move away from the city center.

Maranello, a second choice who became a legend

Maranello could be called a "second choice" since in fact the search for suitable land had initially taken place in the neighboring municipality of Formigine.
But negotiations broke down, and so Ferrari, with the good offices of the then Podestà of Maranello Giuseppe Ferrari Amorotti learned of the possibility of purchasing land in the municipality of Maranello contiguous to that which Ferrari already owned, namely that called "Fondo Cavani."

There was a first, then a second meeting to work out economic details and then, as was the custom then among country gentlemen, negotiations were concluded by a handshake and celebrated with a hearty dinner prepared by Mrs. Augusta, known as an excellent cook.

December 4, 1942: the act that started the Ferrari legend

The whole thing must have happened before the end of November 1942: in fact already on November 30 on the letterhead of the company Auto Avio Costruzioni Scuderia Ferrari of Modena and on December 3 on Lire 6 stamp paper, the owner Enzo Ferrari submitted the first application for a building permit to the mayor of Maranello to implant a prefabricated metal shed on his property, precisely the "Cavani Fund."

With commendable timeliness, the Podesta granted permission on December 4, and this is the initial act in the long series of events that led to the current facility.

It should be noted that at that time there was still no talk of mechanical industry (which was in Modena) but rather of construction for agricultural use, as can be seen from a second request, dated January 12, 1943, in which all the land that made up the farm, site of the future factory, was listed.

In Maranello, you can still explore the iconic places that have made the history of the world's most famous automaker: the Ferrari Museum, the historic entrance to the factories, the modern Ferrari Citadel, and the futuristic Wind Tunnel.